The Rulers of the Egyptian State during the Alawi Dynasty Mohammed Rida Mohammed Awad

25,00 د.إ

This book sheds light on an important period in modern Egyptian history, the era of the Alawi Dynasty, which ruled from 1805 to 1953, starting from the reign of Muhammad Ali Pasha to King Ahmed Fuad II. This dynasty began with Muhammad Ali’s unprecedented renaissance in various military, industrial, economic, social, and educational fields from 1805 to 1848. His grandson, Khedive Ismail, continued and witnessed the opening of the Suez Canal, the most significant artificial waterway in human history , followed by the British occupation during the reign of Khedive Tewfik until the July 23rd Revolution of 1952, which ended the rule of the Alawi Dynasty and declared the Republic in 1953. Within these pages, the reader will rediscover the historical memory of Egypt during that period, which witnessed numerous events and wars filled with valuable lessons.
He is a Professor of Physical Medicine, Rheumatology, and Rehabilitation at the Military Medical Academy, Al-Azhar University, and Misr University for Science and Technology. He is also a member of the University Council of Beni Suef. He has been awarded the State Appreciation Award in Advanced Technological Sciences in Medical Sciences for the year 2011, the Scientific Innovation Award from the Ministry of Higher Education (Academy of Scientific Research and Technology) in 2008, the World Federation of Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation Award in 2012, the Order of the Republic, the Order of Sciences and Arts of the First Class, and the Order of Honor from the Arab League in recognition of his distinguished efforts and work for veterans.
He received the Long Service Duty Ribbon and the October 6th Medal, the Silver Medal for the October War, and the Gold Medal for the July Revolution. He is the former director of the Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation Center for the Armed Forces and the founder of the Spinal Center for the Armed Forces. He is the president and founder of the Egyptian and Arab Association for Back Pain and the Egyptian and Arab Association for Neurological Rehabilitation. He was also the former president of the Egyptian Association for Joint and Rheumatism Diseases. He is a member of the World Federation for Neurological Rehabilitation, the American Rheumatism Association, and the British Rheumatism Association.

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